Projects that make a difference
Welcome to, the website of the Dublin-based Oblate Mission Development Office (MDO). For more than 100 years the Anglo-Irish Oblate province sent missionaries out from here to countries in Asia, to Australia, South Africa, northern Canada, the United States and Brazil. The days when young priests were sent from here to the ‘foreign missions’ may be over, but our links with the developing world are still very much alive.
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Missionary Events
UN Hunger Day​
13th June 2019
Quisque laoreet bibendum justo, sed feugiat turpis tincidunt ac. Donec ut erat ultrices arcu cursus venenatis.
Human Rights Day
20th June 2019
Quisque laoreet bibendum justo, sed feugiat turpis tincidunt ac. Donec ut erat ultrices
World Water Day
16th September 2019
Quisque laoreet bibendum justo, sed feugiat turpis tincidunt ac. Donec ut erat ultrices
Mission Sunday
16th September 2019
Quisque laoreet bibendum justo, sed feugiat turpis tincidunt ac. Donec ut erat ultrices
Mission News
Vocational Education:
New Hope for Jeruklegi

The sub-region of Jeruklegi, on the southwestern coast of Java, includes some of the poorest villages in Indonesia. Most people live below the Indonesian poverty line of $0.56 per adult, per day. A dropout rate of over 50% from local high schools is leaving many young people unemployed and disillusioned.
Working closely with students, parents and community leaders, Fr Charlie Burrows’ organization has begun helping schools to provide technical streams and thus reduce the dropout rates. Girls greatly outnumber boys in Economics and Accountancy, the first of the technical streams to be introduced...
More News​
Training in development: Haiti
APPROFEM Project, Democratic Republic of Congo
Helping communities prevent and treat Malaria
Oblate Missions in Brazil: 1962-2012
New Hope Stories
Oblate NGO and Partners bring new hope to some of Indonesia's poorest communities.
Bernie Colgan OMI in Brazil
Fr Bernard Colgan OMI has been a missionary priest in Brazil for over 40 years. This film from 1989 records his work among some of Rio de Janeiro's poorest communities over 20 years ago. Produced and directed by John Swinfield, the film was shown on Anglia television as part of he Heartlands series.
Projects we support

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Ut ut sapien elit. Curabitur mollis faucibus quam, nec porttitor nulla interdum vel. Nulla sit amet pretium odio ut ut sapien elit. Curabitur mollis faucibus quam, nec porttitor nulla interdum vel.
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Ut ut sapien elit. Curabitur mollis faucibus quam, nec porttitor nulla interdum vel. Nulla sit amet pretium odio ut ut sapien elit. Curabitur mollis faucibus quam, nec porttitor nulla interdum vel.

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Ut ut sapien elit. Curabitur mollis faucibus quam, nec porttitor nulla interdum vel. Nulla sit amet pretium odio ut ut sapien elit. Curabitur mollis faucibus quam, nec porttitor nulla interdum vel.

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Oblate Mission Development Office,
Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore,
Dublin 8, Ireland.
Tel: +353 1 402 0815
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